How It Works : Hosts

Hitch A Host is the only site on the web dedicated to small business owners and enthusiastic hosts. We provide the most optimal resources and largest selection of matches to network your business and increase your sales. Each match is independently customized, allowing each party to be uniquely tailored to vendor's and host's specific criteria. The process to begin is quick and straightforward.


Create your Profile

  • Free to subscribe, unlimited access to website, cancel, or put membership on hold at any time.
  • Tell us about yourself, why you would be a good host, what sets you apart, share details of past successful parties you've hosted, include photos.
  • Give specific days/times of availability, include virtual parties.
  • Provide desired contact preference; email, text, or phone.

Start Searching

  • Search by category or location for all available parties to host.
  • View vendor profile and party details before submitting application.
  • Apply to parties that fit desired criteria and compensation preferences.

Get Hitched

  • Once application is submitted, vendor can view summary of host profile, excluding personal contact information.
  • Accepted applications automatically change party status to "accepted" and dashboard link provides vendor with host contact information.
  • Host is notified of rejected application via dashboard link.

​Start Connecting

  • Hitch A Host initiates formal introduction, communication continues independently between the host and vendor.
  • Specific details of party are established, including host compensation.
  • If party moves forward, hosts share evite link with vendor via dashboard action link.
  • If match is not optimal, host removes application, withdrawing all shared contact information.
  • Host maintains unlimited access to all posted parties.

Let's party!

  • Party takes place without a "hitch!"
  • Compensation is exchanged between vendor and host.
  • Host and vendor are required to formally close party by accessing dashboard action link and changing status of party to "completed."
  • All contact information between host and vendor is withdrawn.

Rate your Vendor

  • Host and vendor have ability to rate/review one another based on five-star rating scale.
  • Once party is formally closed, host and vendor can access rating/review action link.
  • All ratings/reviews are attached to the individuals profile for any member to retrieve.
  • Ratings/reviews cannot be hidden or removed from profile.
  • Neither host nor vendor is required to perform this action.